All posts by: 3sz

Scheduling of E18039

Konrad’s (a,p) proposal has been scheduled for November 7-19. Planning and preparation is underway. Please contact Kelly or Konrad if you would like to participate. For internal users, the elog is here.

NSCL PAC42 call

The NSCL PAC42 call for proposals is out, and can be found here. Please contact me if you are interested in submitting a proposal with JENSA. Keep in mind that the installation of SECAR is underway, so options for zero-degree detectors (such as ionization chambers or faraday cups) is space limited.

Transfer with JENSA – update

The JENSA transfer reaction review from CAARI 2016 has been published in NIMB. The following link gives free access to the published manuscript for a month:,3rKY0xxm