All posts by: Kelly Chipps

FRIB PAC 1 proposals submitted!

6 proposals and 2 letters of intent for beam development involving JENSA+SECAR were submitted to the FRIB Day 1 PAC. Thanks to all of the JENSA and SECAR collaborators for their effort.

Reminder: FRIB PAC 1

Anyone interested in using JENSA for a FRIB proposal, either standalone or with SECAR, should contact Kelly. As per the JENSA Collaboration rules, sufficient time must be allowed for the Collaboration members to read and comment on the proposal. More information about the PAC call can be found here.


COVID delays unfortunately are still an issue. Lab access is limited, and procurements take longer than usual. The new pumping system is operational. Design and administrative work (eg safety considerations) to integrate with SOLARIS and ReA6 are ongoing. A simulation package is being developed.


JENSA is an available experimental device for the FRIB PAC1 call for beamtime beginning in early 2022. If you are interested in developing/submitting a proposal using JENSA, please contact Kelly Chipps. All proposals must abide the JENSA Collaboration rules.

SOLSTISE update, July 2020

The new SOLSTISE system vacuum pumps have been delivered and are being wired. However, lab access is still limited due to the rapidly worsening COVID-19 situation locally, and only one team member currently has approval to work on-site. Design and planning work are being performed remotely.

JENSA update, July 2020

JENSA was operated successfully during the SECAR commissioning run last week. Operations are still limited due to the COVID-19 situation, but a few key local personnel are allowed on-site to operate and maintain JENSA.

JENSA update, June 2020

The National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory is moving through the initial stages of reopening after the COVID-19 shutdown. As part of this action, the JENSA system will be started up again. However, outside users from the collaboration are not yet allowed to access the laboratory. In the interim, preparatory work on the hydrogen operations upgrade is […]


Due to the concerns regarding COVID-19 and to abide the State of Tennessee’s stay-at-home order, laboratory work on SOLSTISE has temporarily ceased. Design work is ongoing. Updates will be posted as they become available.

JENSA COVID-19 update

Due to the concerns regarding COVID-19 and to abide the State of Michigan’s shelter-in-place order, the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory has temporarily ceased operations and has been placed into a safe standby mode. The JENSA system is currently powered off and is also in a safe standby. Access to the laboratory is restricted to only […]